Christmas in Mayersdorf.

Skiing at Mount Koralpe in Austria......In my case learning how to stay UP!!! Today is the 30th of December, it is a Monday! But let’s rewind back to the Christmas celebrations :). Last when I updated I mentioned a birthday celebration in Neuberg, turns out there was no snow 😪 nada. Ai fei. It was sad. But the birthday was good I met some more of the family and it’s so trippy how everyone just reminds me of my own family back home. Full of life and energy ahh this past week has made me a bit homesick I’m not gonna lie. They honestly remind me of my family in NZ. I know mum spent Xmas with my uncle and family then my aunty went to Paeroa with my cousins so I really miss them. Everywhere I have gone here I have enjoyed and learned something new. Again I find myself incredibly lucky to be placed with my host family. They are genuine people who want to learn about my culture and I them. The children speak German in our interactions and I have ...